Thursday, March 12, 2020

Developmental State Essays

Developmental State Essays Developmental State Essay Developmental State Essay Objective of the Study The general objective of this brief study Is to assess the Implementation of developmental state paradigm In Africa using a comparative perspective of Ethiopia and South Africa. Significance of ten study Glen ten coalescence AT Tentacle Ana south Attract as developmental exemplars and as pivotal economic, political, and strategic actors in Africa, it would be noteworthy to compare their respective experiences on the implementation of the developmental state paradigm as it is currently being promoted and considered as the proper model to achieve development pursuit of the two nations. Doing so, without doubt, provides important insights into the dynamics of development in the two countries and potential lessons which could help to further capitalize on existing initiatives. Methodology This study would exclusively relay on secondary sources for its data requirement while thorough review of existing literature and descriptive methods are used as method of analysis. Limitation and scope of the study The focus of this study is confined to the experience of Ethiopia and South Africa because of the limited time available and the capacity of the study team. Due to same reason e could not take the different development models and more countries to compare one another and show why they failed and/or succeeded. The findings of the study are not also backed by rigorous econometric or similar analysis, which can be considered as major limitation. The study team believes the findings could have been more comprehensive and reliable had they been based on a panel data of different variables. Organization of the study Being a brief term paper, this study is not organized in chapters rather we Just have 4 major titles as parts. Thirdly, it is still the only African state that reduced the extreme poverty level of its citizens dramatically by half(except China and Indonesia ). Fourthly, feudalism, a bulwark for industrialization, had been abolished some 40 years ago and an enabling precondition for tapping the rural extra labor for industrial sector is potentially enormous. Finally, and most importantly, the existence of developmental-oriented adhering guided by realistic vision and long term development strategy are features that define the emerging democratic developmental state in Ethiopia. In the case of South Africa, despite the governments clear willingness to bring about development and eradicate inequality and poverty, these economic policies have not produced such results. There were positive results such as economic growth, a decrease in the fiscal deficit and inflation levels and additional social grant. The issue is that, these policies have not found solutions to South African biggest problems poverty and unemployment. The case for a democratic developmental state in Ethiopia and South Africa, it comes with conditions. Most of the literatures seem to be in agreement that the two countries have a lot of work to do before a democratic developmental state can be achieved. Certain services need to become a priority such as ensuring that the people of the two countries have a higher living standard, maintenance of democracy and finally a working relationship has to exist between the state, the media, civil society, and the private sector. It has to become a national alluding project with all nationals of the respective countries contributing to it, the overall political economy of the countries has to grow and transform.

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